Monday, March 21, 2011

The Bounty Hunter

Hello new followers:) I have now gotten into the "double digits" so thank you for that--is it sad that I'm excited about this? haha! So, not sure how many of you have seen "The Bounty Hunter" with Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler(gorgeous!!), but I thought I'd do a post on when I was an extra on set! I worked in A.C. at the time and was asked to be in the background as myself aka a waitress--it's the chase scene so I'm simply a blurry background haha, but it was fun all the same! And I must say Aniston is quite stunning in person--I wouldn't say the most beautiful from pictures,but in person--beautiful! Anyway here are the low quality photos I managed to snap while we were in between filming:)

Aniston going by in the cart...they did this about a hundred times...

Aniston's extra did it for the first 50takes or so before they used Jen--later her extra ate at our restaurant and I think she convinced herself she's also famous haha!

The set....

It started raining and they freaked you can

But she was just smiling and relaxing...

Anyway, the whole experience was a lot of fun and the easiest $100 I've ever made, and despite the fact that I'm still not famous--totally kidding I would never want(/can't) to act--it was worth it:)

Until next time,

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