Monday, March 21, 2011

Recent Purchases—I can’t resist a good sale:)

This weekend I was re-united with my old roomy and we had a marvelous time together! It was so nice we even had a chance to walk on the beach—in skirts/tanks and NOT freeze! It was amazing. Just made me even more anxious for summer to hurry up and get here! In anticipation of the coming warmer days I bought 2 bathing suits from Vicky’s and made a few other purchases along the way during our shopping exhibition to King of Prussia mall.

My Anthro purchases:

Love this Blazer--got it for only $30 (originally $128!)
And my FAVORITE purchase of the day:
A perfect combination of all my favorites: purple, suede, heels ahhh!

And a pretty top...

And my Sephora purchases:
NYX black eyeliner (just because I go through it like water)
make up pads
covergirl mascara--not my fav.
Replenshment of BareMinerals

I'm  thinking of posting my favorite make up/skin/hair products soon. stay tuned, and thank you for following:)

Until next time,


  1. So cute! I love the top and blazer where did you find them ?!?! Sounds like a great weekend :)

  2. Yeah that blazer is amazing...i like the texture!!!!

    and yes plz post your favorite make up/ skincare etc stuff! i love seeing what other girls use!

  3. love the bathing suits!...really excited about all the mixing and matching I've noticed going on with swim wear this season :)

  4. Sophia--thanks! Anthropologie:)and yes, it was an amazing weekend!

    Lauren-Yes it is! and yes I will!

    Ka shopper- thanks, more to come--we should follow each other!
